Choosing To Be Grateful Vs. Greedy

I wanted to talk about something that’s been weighing heavily on my mind lately. It’s this kind of comparing game that has happened with social media, but it’s even more than that. It’s a resentful sense of sadness that can put you in a deep, dark pit of jealousy. And it not only sucks, but it’s super unhealthy.

Karlee Andrews of Madam Andrews wearing a cream coat, white sweater, and pink beanie for a fall and winter everyday look

Karlee Andrews of Madam Andrews wearing a cream coat, white sweater, and pink beanie for a fall and winter everyday look

We spend so much time in this alternate reality that we call social media. And I call it an alternate reality because it is. We all know that even though The Housewives of Beverly Hills is deemed “reality TV”, it’s nothing near reality. But for some reason, even though we know that social media tends to only give us the highlights of people’s lives it doesn’t seem like what we know to be fake. It seems very, very real. And that’s where the danger comes in.

We look at the tiny pictures and videos on our phones and get sucked in. That somehow becomes a reality to us and without even knowing it, we use our imagination to fill in the blanks of stranger’s “perfect life”.

I will be the first to admit that my life is not perfect. Take this photoshoot for example: Behind every nice picture is at least 20 that look ridiculous. I probably have over 100 photos from this one photoshoot and as you can see I’ve included 7 in this post. These are just the ones that turned out. These are the good ones. And that’s what social media is– The good ones.

Karlee Andrews of Madam Andrews wearing a cream coat, white sweater, and pink beanie for a fall and winter everyday look

Karlee Andrews of Madam Andrews wearing a cream coat, white sweater, and pink beanie for a fall and winter everyday look

It’s not in my natural personality to yearn. I’m not a super jealous or ungrateful person, but still I find myself thinking those kinds of thoughts. I see other influencers building these beautiful dream homes with their Chanel bags and their Jimmy Choo boots and I find myself angry. Angry that I don’t have that too. And then I’m like whooooa. Karlee, snap out of it. You don’t even care about those things. And it’s true. I don’t. Those are never things that I’ve ever felt I needed. But I too get sucked in.

I started my blog because I’ve always been passionate about fashion & style. I wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone. I wanted to do something that I’d never done before. I didn’t create a blog so that I could build a great, big mansion and take selfies in a floor to ceiling marble master bathroom.

I have a roof over my head. A great husband and a beautiful child. I have nice things. I have food. So jeez. Why do I feel so crappy at times? It’s crazy how people’s online lives can make us feel that way. And it’s scary. Really, really scary.

I seek to inspire others and be proud of what I create and accomplish. It is never my goal to make another human being feel badly about themselves. Honestly it’s hard to wrap my head around anyone ever feeling that way about me or my life because I know how normal I am. Most days I’m in sweats all day with no makeup on and half eaten baby puffs stuck to my robe. I am not glamorous, but I realize that it might seem that way to some people. I know that I need to document more of those moments. I try to show that on my stories and if you watch them you’d know. But still. Maybe that’s not enough.

Karlee Andrews of Madam Andrews wearing a cream coat, white sweater, and pink beanie for a fall and winter everyday look

Karlee Andrews of Madam Andrews wearing a cream coat, white sweater, and pink beanie for a fall and winter everyday look

Karlee Andrews of Madam Andrews wearing a cream coat, white sweater, and pink beanie for a fall and winter everyday look

Especially in a season where we are supposed to give thanks I’ve been thinking a lot about this. I’ve been thinking a lot about the concept of being grateful & appreciating all that we have. Don’t let social media ruin that for you. It’s an influencer’s job to create beautiful content, so that’s what we do. Our lives are no more picture perfect than yours. Remember that.

I try to:

  1. Stay grateful. Remember what I have and what’s most important to me.
  2. Live in what’s real. Put my phone down and pay attention to the loved ones that surround me.
  3. Keep a smile on my face. It’s easier to be happy if I try to be happy. I do think that happiness is a choice and choosing that over despair seems to lesson whatever negativity that social media can bring.

I hope that this is a reminder at least for someone that you have a lot to be grateful for. Happiness comes from within, not from designer bags. Your life has meaning and you are important. I know that I need the reminder from time to time.

I hope that your Wednesday is extra amazing!






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