I used to have a shoe problem. It’s fixed now, but I definitely used to have a shoe problem. A few years back, I finally came to the conclusion that I would rather spend a little extra on a pair of shoes and have them for numerous seasons, than buy cheap shoes and have to consistently replace them. I once was the girl who persistently bought cute, trendy pairs of cheap boots at the local shoe store in the mall. But, it was heartbreaking to be disappointed over and over again when the shoes only lasted for a few months. Let me tell you, those days are gone. It’s just too painful to fall in love with a pair of shoes and have to break up with them because they literally want to make you rip your feet off. Or, they are so worn out from one month of wear that they’ve acquired a series of uncomfortable holes. Quality time is my love language people. I want to spend valuable time with my shoes. I want them to know how much they are loved!
Nobody wants to spend money, I get it, myself is included in this bunch. However, I would rather save up for a pair of shoes that may be a bit more expensive that I really love and that I know are going to last, rather than purchase cheap ones that instantly fall apart. Not to mention, it saves me money in the long run anyway because instead of buying seven pairs of garbage shoes, I only have to purchase one magnificent pair of Franco Sartos. With that said, I have found that if I am okay with paying more, I usually get to enjoy the shoes for a much longer period of time, and that makes my heart and my feet very happy.
When I decided to no longer indulge in the the tempting cheaper shoe brands that so often seem appealing, it was like a makeover for my feet. It felt so good! I am so glad that I decided to kick my bad habit and I haven’t looked back since. One brand that I have found to be an absolute favorite of mine is Franco Sarto. They have quality shoes that last, are comfortable, and are of course, stylish. I have recently fallen in love with the brand all over again with my Skylar Booties. I love them. I just love them. I am mesmerized by their gold zipper detail and matte black leather design that results in a classic, luxurious look. And, I basically want every other shoe that Franco Sarto designs (can you blame me). Franco Sarto is a brand of shoes that I know I can stand by and that’s really important to me. So, my point is this: if you are looking for a quality brand that makes excellent shoes, look no further. Franco Sarto is your new bestie.
P.S. Does anyone else watch Scandal? Because I totally feel like Olivia Pope in this fabulous oversized sweater.
Shop my look:
Franco Sarto Boots, Jeans, Polka Dot Top, Gold Belt, Hope Ave Chunky Sweater
I love the shoes!! I also really love the printed top. 🙂
Thanks girl!