Icon: My Postpartum Hack

I’m just going to say it how it is. Things are different after you have a baby. Things… leak (sometimes). People don’t really want to talk about it. And I get that. It’s embarrassing.

But let me paint you a picture…

You get prego (yay!) and from the moment you find out you literally can’t wait to see that little ball of sunshine. It’s so exciting!

Your baby is born (yay again!) & you are stoked on life. But my friend, people do not tell you what happens down there! Gahhhhh. I don’t wanna say it’s horrible. But it kinda is. After that baby comes out you are so happy that you don’t even care. But then a week later when you still look pregnant, you have to wear a mesh hospital diaper with an ice pack & you still can’t quite sit down shiz gets real. But then it heals and you can put on your jeans again and you feel fabulous. Except for one thing— You can’t hold your pee. What?! Yes, ladies. It’s a thing. If you’ve had a baby then you already know & if you haven’t well, I’m giving it to you straight so you’re welcome.

Karlee Andrews of Madam Andrews sitting on her navy velvet tufted bed with Icon undies

Karlee Andrews of Madam Andrews sitting on her navy velvet tufted bed with Icon undies

The further postpartum you get, the stronger everything is so less leakage happens. And let me be clear— I’m not talking about full on incontinence here. If you’re having major issues I’d recommend hitting up your doctor! Just a little speezing (sneezing + peeing a little) here & there or something equivalent. Jo is 9 months old so at this point for me everything is mostly back to normal, but I won’t lie— The occasional speeze does happen! Annnd if I decided to throw some leggings on & go on a jog, well you just never know.

Karlee Andrews of Madam Andrews sitting on her navy velvet tufted bed with Icon undies wearing black leggings

Karlee Andrews of Madam Andrews sitting on her navy velvet tufted bed with Icon undies wearing black leggings

Karlee Andrews of Madam Andrews sitting on her navy velvet tufted bed with Icon undies wearing black leggings

Buuuut here’s the thing— I’m having more babies friends. So it’ll happen all over again. That cycle is not over for me.

That’s where Icon undies come in. Once you’re over the whole mesh diaper ice pack thing (phew) use these! Icon undies are designed to leave you feeling clean, comfortable & dry, even after a leak (hallelujah). They are soft + breathable annnd they have an anti-odor treatment that naturally neutralizes & eliminates any smell. So yeah, bomb-dot-com. Icon undies are worn + washed just like regular underwear, so no worries. You don’t have to do anything out of the ordinary to get them clean!

I honestly wish that I would have had these when I was pregnant. Maaaan. You have to use the restroom like every 10 seconds & when a tiny human is using your bladder as a punching bag you live life on the wild side. Aka you switch out your undies several times a day.

Karlee Andrews of Madam Andrews sitting on her navy velvet tufted bed with Icon undies

Karlee Andrews of Madam Andrews sitting on her navy velvet tufted bed with Icon undies

Postpartum life can be difficult, but don’t feel like you’re the only one. We all experience the hardships that come after having a baby. Icon can just make life a little easier as you’re trying to recover! You can shop all of their sleek styles here! Use code KARLEE5 for $5 off of your purchase!

Hopefully this post was helpful & not TMI for you, ha! I’m just keeping’ it reeeeal. 😉




Thank you to Icon for sponsoring this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.



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