I would describe myself as an outgoing introvert. My opinion may not be the first you hear, but I’ve grown to feel a little more comfortable expressing it. I tend to mull things over in my head before I make decisions, and before I voice them. I contemplate and often overthink things. I am an observer. I take note before I speak. At family gatherings I sit content just listening to conversation–I don’t necessarily have to be a part of it to enjoy it, and I like to people watch.
With all of these characteristics, blogging is understandable out of my comfort zone. The writing part is not, but the sharing aspect is. Despite that fact that openly sharing my thoughts and feelings does not necessarily come natural to me, I’m trying to do and experience more things that are out of my comfort zone. One of the easiest ways that I can think of is by trying new trends in clothing. It may be a small way of challenging myself, but it’s an area where I feel that I can branch out without really having anything to lose. You have to start somewhere right? I am implementing the same challenge yourself principle in other parts of my life (blogging being one), and it is something that I am gaining more confidence in sharing. Actually, at this time in my life I am starting a lot of new things. Starting a new career is scary, but I’m doing it. Sharing my opinions with the world frightens me, but I am trying my best. I used to think that overalls were just for hillbillies, but look at me now.
Like I said, trying new trends may seem small, but it is something to me. It’s my way of attempting to build myself up and do less of tearing myself down. I am trying to stop myself from thinking that won’t look good on me, or I can’t pull that off. So, when overalls started popping up everywhere, I was a little nervous. I didn’t know what to think of it. After a lot of investigating, I finally found a few that I really like. Sometimes it takes me a while to come around to a new trend, and sometimes I love it immediately. This one took a little time. Usually I eventually gain the confidence to try something new and I often end up loving it, wishing that I had given it a shot much sooner (like my overalls situation).
Although I ultimately have to make the decision for myself to try new things, I haven’t done it all on my own. As someone who may be a little more reserved at first, I married someone is definitely not that way. My husband is an extremely outgoing person and I’ve learned a lot from him. The longer we’re together, the more I am able to recognize our similarities, differences and how we help each other grow. He’s helped me build my confidence and find a parts of myself that I didn’t even know existed. Having a companion that tells you that you can do and be anything is powerful. A word to the wise, listen to the people that love and support you–they are right!
So, here’s to trying new things and loving it! I am learning not to be afraid to jump into the water. I know that I can doggie paddle until I really learn how to swim.
Shop my look:
Alex and Ani Bangles, Franco Sarto Heels, Michael Kors Watch (similar)
My overalls are from Lord and Taylor and unfortunately they are sold out, but ASOS has a bunch that I really like.
Similar Overalls: Melissa Denim Overalls, Vintage Wash Denim Overalls, Light Wash Denim Overalls, Monki Denim Overalls, NYC Light Denim Overalls
I purchase this shirt at Called To Surf, but they also have them at Hope Ave.
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