All I want is to go back. Please? Take me back to the quaint towns rich with history and abundant with tall, green trees! I have to say, we went at the perfect time. Luck was on our side because throughout our entire trip the weather was absolutely perfect. We caught just a bit of rain at the end of our stay in Switzerland, but nothing too heavy and it didn’t bother us. I dream of going back. I can’t get over the details. The cobblestone roads, brick roofs, and brightly colored flowers hanging from each window. Both countries were so very charming–without a doubt two of the most gorgeous places that I have ever been.
In Germany, we visited Neuschwanstein, a little girl’s equivalent to a Cinderella castle. Although its history concerning King Ludwig II, did not have quite the fairytale ending, the structure does seem magical. Our drive to Neuschwanstein, which we thought would take two hours, but actually took four, was hands down the most beautiful drive–ever. The castle sits atop a mountain surrounded by lush forest and as you can imagine, the journey to get there is one encompassed by endless amounts of green vegetation. There are vibrant rolling hills spotted with clusters of delightful little villages as far as the eye can see. It’s enchanting, really.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, Stuttgart, another area that we visited, is a much more modern area with fantastic shopping. We visited Königstraße and lucky for our wallets, we didn’t stay long. I was pretty much obsessed with every store.
In Switzerland we spent most of our time in Lucerne and Bern, both wonderful. I about died over our first meal in Lucerne. It was definitely one of our most expensive meals of the trip, which isn’t surprising because Switzerland is crazy expensive, but boy was it worth it. We had amazing fish and chips and the best pasta! It was a completely different taste than in Italy. This pasta had rich, fresh cheeses, sauteed onion, and apple sauce. Yes, applesauce. Not just any applesauce, the best most delectable applesauce. I didn’t know that pasta and applesauce together was a thing, but it is and it’s amazing. I crave that meal on the daily.
Germany and Switzerland ended our trip to Europe. Although I was sad to leave, my husband and I both were a little relieved because honestly we were exhausted. I feel like I’m getting old. My body does not run like it used to! Anywho, our trip was wonderful and I can’t wait to make it back.