OH. MY. GOSH. I have been beyond stoked for this blog post to go live because I have poured my heart & soul into this project. All for my little rainbow baby. Yes, I know she’s two and transitioning into a toddler bed so she’s not really a baby anymore… But still! She is my baby. Phew! Okay. Enough tears over growing children.
Originally, I designated this space as an office with the bump out being the sitting room. Then when we had Jo I decided to transition the bump out into a playroom for her. I naively thought that as she grew I would be able to work in my office space and she would play… Yeeeah that didn’t happen. Long story short, we decided to make my office her bedroom and give her basically the coolest room in the house. For real though. The kid has no idea how lucky she is, ha.
A LOT of time, energy, and a few mistakes went into designing this space. From the beginning, I knew that I for sure wanted to change the pineapple wallpaper, but I also really wanted to do white woodwork on the remaining four walls. Since I hadn’t tackled a woodworking project before it required help from my hubby. I’ll be honest, he ended up doing most of the work. In the beginning he wasn’t sure he wanted to tackle the woodworking project, but after painting the room pink and getting about 9 other samples of pink paint and still not feeling good about it, he agreed. Thankfully we are both very happy with the end result and we had fun doing it! It gave us a little more confidence in tackling future DIY projects (cough, cough like our unfinished basement).
Here’s what her room looks like now…

And here’s what it looked like before!

Big difference right?!

When it came to the overall design of this room I knew that above all else, I wanted it to feel fun. Jo is such a fun loving kid full of energy and very free spirited. So, I wanted the room to feel like her. I also knew that I wanted to create a space that she would like for a while. I didn’t want to go too bright or colorful because I didn’t want the space to look overwhelming or quickly outdated. Keeping all of that in mind, I had to look at the project with a specific viewpoint, balancing all of the needs of the room. And I will say, it’s one of my favorite rooms of the house. Trying to perfect the mix between eclectic, boho and clean, craftsman was a challenge, but I absolutely LOVE how it turned out.

I’ve linked most of the items in her room at the bottom of this post, but I wanted to call out the removable wallpaper from Loomwell. If you haven’t heard of them, they’re a local Utah company that specializes in beautiful textiles. I DIE over this wallpaper. They have a ton of options (even vinyl decals that are super easy to install), so definitely check them out if you’re wanting to spruce up a space!
I also wanted to include a few shots of her playroom, but you can check out my full post on Jo’s playroom here:

Anyway, I hope that you enjoyed this post! It’s been a lot of fun to put together!