Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world.
I love that quote. I love the depth of it. Think about it– You step into your own shoes every day, right? You may step into heels or sneakers or sandals, but they’re yours and you go about your day in them. How you live your life in your shoes is your choice and yours alone. You can waive to a stranger on the street, or give a nice compliment. You can open the door for a person in need, or simply smile.
Many times it can be easier to ignore the world around you and only focus on what’s happening in your life, in your shoes. But what about everybody else? What about living life in their shoes?
When you think about conquering the world you may think about big things, end-game dreams, which is great, we all do it. But I guess lately, I just want to conquer my day. Did I accomplish the tasks that I wanted to? Did I come a little closer to my goals? Did I help someone else? Was I kind?
I think yes, conquering the world is big and important and we all have our own ideas about what that means, but you have to conquer your days before you can conquer your dreams. And it doesn’t hurt to help others along the way.
I hope your week has been wonderful so far! Keep on conquering 😉
Shop my look:
dress sold out (similar here, here, here, here, & here | heels | crossbody (similar here, here, & here) | sunglasses
I was gifted these shoes by Famous Footwear for their #ForTheLoveOfShoes campaign. All thoughts and opinions are my own.